Madlum Medical Mission 2023

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Oral health is a fundamental component of overall well-being, yet millions of people worldwide suffer from dental issues due to lack of access to affordable dental care.

Dental Care Beyond Borders: Free Tooth Extraction Services

Oral health is a fundamental component of overall well-being, yet millions of people worldwide suffer from dental issues due to lack of access to affordable dental care.

Our “Smiles of Hope” mission seeks to address this pressing need by providing free tooth extraction services. Our skilled dentists, headed by Dr. Grace Cabatu and oral surgeons volunteer their time and expertise to alleviate pain and suffering caused by dental problems.

This not only improves the physical health of the patients but also restores their confidence and self-esteem, allowing them to smile with renewed hope.


Friends from Madlum Medical Mission 2023, Dr. Princess Tolentino (3rd from left), Dr. Grace Cabatu (4th from left) and Mr. Victor Cabatu.


Dr. Grace Cabatu at work.


From Left to Right: Dr. Grace Cabatu, Mr. Victor Cabatu, Dr. Princess Tolentino of Cabatu Dental Centre at the Madlum Medical Mission 2023


Dr. Princess Tolentino in action


The impact of such missions extends far beyond the immediate alleviation of physical suffering. They instill hope, inspire gratitude, and create a ripple effect of kindness within communities. Patients leave with more than just physical relief; they leave with a renewed sense of optimism for their futures.

In conclusion, medical and dental missions like “Smiles of Hope” play a vital role in addressing healthcare disparities and improving the lives of underserved populations. By offering free tooth extraction, physical therapy, and medical consultation services, these missions provide not only immediate relief but also a path towards long-term wellness and empowerment. They exemplify the power of compassion and collective action in making the world a healthier and happier place for all.

See you in our next medical mission!

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Dr. Grace Cabatu

Dr. Grace Cabatu

Mary Grace H. Cabatu, DMD is a multi-specialty dentist, specializing in General Dentistry, Orthodontics, Sleep Apnea & TMJ Therapy.

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