The Domino Effect: Traumatic Bites and their Ripple on Periodontal Health

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Traumatic bites, resulting from accidents, injuries, or habits like teeth grinding, can have far-reaching consequences beyond immediate discomfort.

The impact of a traumatic bite extends to various aspects of oral health, including periodontal problems, mobile teeth, root canals, and failed restorations.

  1. Periodontal Problems:

Traumatic bites can lead to significant periodontal issues. The force exerted during a bite can injure the supporting structures of the teeth, including the gums and the bone. This trauma may initiate inflammation and, if left untreated, progress to more severe periodontal diseases like gingivitis or periodontitis. Inflammation compromises the stability of the teeth and can lead to increased tooth mobility.

  1. Mobile Teeth:

One of the direct consequences of a traumatic bite is tooth mobility. The ligaments that attach teeth to the bone can be damaged, resulting in increased tooth movement. Mobile teeth not only affect the ability to chew effectively but also contribute to further trauma as neighboring teeth may collide during biting or chewing, exacerbating the initial injury.

  1. Root Canals:

Traumatic bites can cause damage to the dental pulp, the innermost part of the tooth containing nerves and blood vessels. When the pulp is compromised, the tooth may become sensitive, and infection may set in. In such cases, a root canal procedure may be necessary to remove the damaged pulp and save the tooth. Failure to address this issue promptly can lead to more severe infections and the potential loss of the affected tooth.

  1. Failed Restorations:

Restorative dental procedures such as fillings, crowns, or veneers may fail in the presence of a traumatic bite. The excessive forces generated during biting or grinding can compromise the integrity of dental restorations, leading to chipping, cracking, or complete failure. This not only results in the need for further dental work but can also expose the tooth to additional risks of decay or infection.


A traumatic bite is not merely a momentary inconvenience; it can set off a chain reaction of oral health problems that, if left unchecked, can result in significant consequences. Timely intervention by a dental professional is crucial to assess and address the damage caused by a traumatic bite. Regular dental check-ups, preventive measures, and appropriate treatment can help mitigate the long-term impact on periodontal health, tooth stability, and the success of dental restorations. Remember, a healthy bite is not just about a beautiful smile; it’s about preserving the overall well-being of your oral cavity.


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We have dental offices in Centuria Medical Makati and in The Capital Towers, Quezon City.

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Dr. Grace Cabatu

Dr. Grace Cabatu

Mary Grace H. Cabatu, DMD is a multi-specialty dentist, specializing in General Dentistry, Orthodontics, Sleep Apnea & TMJ Therapy.

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